Our baby led weaning story

This is a blog about some of our trials and successes while weaning our little girl the BLW way. Come and have a read and please feel free to leave your comments. x

Wednesday 24 October 2012

A baby led weaning nappy...

A proud moment

I was always so sure that I wouldn't be the kind of Mum who poured over the contents of her little one's nappy, more because of the Ick Factor than for any other reason! But I've become a woman possessed, especially with whether it's the right 'kind' of poo! But the day after Baby Bean first fed herself was a particularly high point (or low, depending on your POV) in my nappy-watching career, because THERE WAS CARROT IN IT!!!!! Proof that she had, indeed, eaten some of what she'd picked up and put in her own mouth!

I could not have been more proud.

However, I think the diners in the pub we were in would probably have preferred it if I hadn't come flying out of the changing room shouting the news out to my bewildered husband. Ah well, can't say I care! I'm still so very proud even now, exactly one month later! :-)

So it was with renewed enthusiasm that we put Bean in her new, cover-all, wipe-clean bib; placed her in the highchair, and put some peas and oven chips on her tray. And she must have picked up on the happy vibes because she got stuck in straight away, especially with the chips as they were an easier shape.

As she sat there, picking things up, chewing and (as I now knew), swallowing as much as she spat out, she looked so much older than her 5.5months.
And that was it!
That day I was converted - Baby Led Weaning was what we were doing!

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